When I was small, I had the dreams to be:
Doctor...I think this is among the popular answer from kids when asked about their ambitions
Computer Engineer... abah once called me "minah gadget"...when there's something wrong with handphones, godek-godek ada rezeki, hidup balik tepon tu. But now, am just so in love with my laptop. Would not allow others to touch it...with exception I'm generous that moment. Aiyoo...
Satisfied with my humble phone...At the moment, I don't have any intention to change or upgrade it unless one day it is not possible for me to contact my beloved ones with it. But am still into gadgets and machines. Loves to observe newbies in the market even sometimes I did not understand the mechanical descriptions.
I am now a:
Teacher: Alhamdulillah I have the chance to be a part of this education world.
Budding/ amateur photographer: I guess this is part of my interest in gadgets and machines. What I wish to concentrate/ be is a Muslimah photographer as what I see its importance especially during weddings as particularly the bride's aurah is more covered (mahram). I am also interested in portrait photography. But there's still a lot more things to learn and discover.
Still have the dream to become a:
Teacher: Alhamdulillah I have the chance to be a part of this education world.
Budding/ amateur photographer: I guess this is part of my interest in gadgets and machines. What I wish to concentrate/ be is a Muslimah photographer as what I see its importance especially during weddings as particularly the bride's aurah is more covered (mahram). I am also interested in portrait photography. But there's still a lot more things to learn and discover.
Still have the dream to become a:
Counsellor: Had this ambition since form 1 @ 13 years old. Alhmdulillah finished my study in the field of Psychology. Hoping that one day, had the chance to pursue masters in Counselling or related field.
Housewife: Boleh kan?
Alhamdulillah for His blessings ('',)
Allah Knows Best
Housewife: Boleh kan?
Alhamdulillah for His blessings ('',)
Allah Knows Best
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