Alhamdulillah. Subhanallah. Thank you Allah...for the blessings that You've bestowed upon us, Your Servants. My clearance procedure today went well. Finished everything in just about 30 minutes. Thanks to the new online system. I also succeed in submitting the bio data form to be placed in the upcoming 2009/ 2010 class commemorative graduation book. Woa!! Am I now officially a graduate of IIUM? But I guess that I am still a student-always and forever as learning is lifelong process.
IIUM. The Garden of Knowledge and Virtues surely hold thousands of memories. From the beloved mahallah, classes, mosque, friends, cafeterias and everything other else.
But for me, the most important thing to remind our self after graduating is-am I still me? Am I still whom my friends used to know?
3 months of break and I am still learning a lot of things. I recently picked up a new hobby- SEWING. Ok. Not a big deal. But I am hoping to improve my skills in making baju kurung. Browsing and looking foward in making other craftworks is so much fun. Like mama once told me "List down the things that is needed in a marriage life''. I guess SEWING is one of it, right?
Cooking. Yum-yum. Alhamdullillah baked a cheese cake, made grilled dory fish, Arab dishes such as humus and salad. Am putting a target to learn new dishes day by day, Insya Allah. In accordance with that, I enjoyed 'studying' and copying recipes into my laptop from my aunt collection of recipe books during my stay in Batu Pahat recently.
Photography. Two weddings, an engagement and a trip to Utara had given me the opportunity to broaden my knowledge. With my Haytham (camera), I tried to capture every beautiful moments I saw.
There are still lot more things to learn. And may Allah bless our effort to be a good Muslim and daei on this world.
Udang tu nampak sangat sedap, Zainab. :D *I likes udang a lot*
Admire your effort in learning new things (especially cooking), sometimes we just make excuses (eg. takde masa) but it's actually really important to take the initiative. InshaAllah, berjaya atau tak, there will be gains.
Yesss..udang sangat sedap kan...
Yup.sikit2 pun jadi. mana tau apa akan jadi dari tak cuba langsung.'ve done a lot prior to the convocation. I think i'm lost !
i haven't done anything T_T
The Humble Wayfarer:
Its ok to start slowly. The most important thing to do is to spend the best time with our families. As if we are 'paying back' the lime we lost during our study times, kan? ('',)
I'm sure you can do it
so, any news for the interview?just curious =P
Not yet encik (hehe),
Am comfortable learning to be a 'home maker' right now.
Insya Allah ada rezeki, Dia Maha Mengetahui yang terbaik buat hamba2NYA.
Learning to develop your own self is indeed the biggest challenge ever...
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