Just now, after Maghrib, around 7:45pm, while working on my calligraphy@ khat, I listened to IKIM. FM. The ustaz (can't remember who) was talking about the importance of friends/ friendship. Amongst the quote is:
"Carilah lebih seribu sahabat kerana seribu itu belum tentu mencukupi; dan janganlah kau mencari walau seorang pun musuh kerana satu itu cukup menyakitkan..."
When Luqmanul Hakim passed away, his son sat in front of his house. Then, a friend of his father (Luqman)-also a wise man asked " Son, what are you thinking of?". Then, the boy answered " My late father told me to build a house in every place/ everywhere and I am thinking how to make it possible". Then the wise man answered " My dear son, what your father actually meant by his words are MAKE FRIENDS EVERYWHERE YOU GO".
Me myself, going to almost 6/7 different schools and education institutions and meeting hundreds of friends (although I can't remember all names) gave me beautiful and wonderful experiences. They came from different background and culture. Sharing stories with friends is like traveling around the world without having the pain to pay for expensive air fare and accommodation fees.
The most important moment when I really appreciate my friends is when I was admitted to hospital last year and my friends was there to give me support and encouragements. They were there when I need to share my laughter. And...they were still there when I dropped my tears.
Allah SWT said in Surah Al- Asr that:
Me myself, going to almost 6/7 different schools and education institutions and meeting hundreds of friends (although I can't remember all names) gave me beautiful and wonderful experiences. They came from different background and culture. Sharing stories with friends is like traveling around the world without having the pain to pay for expensive air fare and accommodation fees.
The most important moment when I really appreciate my friends is when I was admitted to hospital last year and my friends was there to give me support and encouragements. They were there when I need to share my laughter. And...they were still there when I dropped my tears.
Allah SWT said in Surah Al- Asr that:
"...Sesunggunya manusia itu dalam kerugian. Kecuali bagi mereka yang beramal soleh dan mereka yang berpesan-pesanan kepada kebaikan.."
Money is not important. What is more important is the words and advice given in making us 'richer' with experience and knowledge in becoming a better person.
Fighting and arguments are normal. It sometimes the arguments that make us know our friends better and appreciate them more.
Another wise sayings quoted that:
Fighting and arguments are normal. It sometimes the arguments that make us know our friends better and appreciate them more.
Another wise sayings quoted that:
Jika kau bersahabat dengan penjual minyak wangi, kau akan mendapat percikan harumannya dan jika kau berkawan dengan tukang besi, kau akan dapat bau besi yang ditempa.
p/s: Thank you very much for being there, friends.
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