, after 1 year of undergoing a procedure for my spine injury, I could conduct netball training. Starting from Monday actually as the students will be having a tournament against Al-Amin KL on the 2nd of November. is getting better day by day. Some of the teachers who know about my history started to worry. Me? Arrived at school today at 8:00am sharp (my check-in time is actually 10:30am-for afternoon session teachers). Having a sauna under the sun training them for about 2 hours. Siapa kenal saya, tahu tahap degil tang mana....
My solat...after months (years?) of enduring pain to make sujud properly and sometimes have to perform solat in a sitting position could be performed in a better manner(sedih...anggota sujud yang antara akan jadi saksi tika Hari Akhirat nanti). Moga doa, solat, ibadah dan taubat diterima oleh Allah Yang Maha Penyayang... Speaking about sujud, last night, as I was trying to get myself to sleep, I listened to a radio station. It was talking about sujud. Among the hikmah of sujud is it could bring/ lower down our ego as most of our senses and important body parts such as our eyes, nose, ears, head are placed on the floor.
What I remembered most after the procedure was to endure the it was done just 1 week before final examination. Nausea, tons of medications to be taken dutifully... That particular semester, I have to do checkups every 3 weeks- once a month. Dengan muka tebal...selalu minta cuti kat lecturer...Alhamdulillah. With the courage and aims for success, I am now a Psychology graduate and alumni of IIUM...without having to take study leave and extend my semesters.
Now. No more medications for me. Taking calcium, omega-3, and vitamin C...for my body, heart, soul and kids in future. Orang kata, minyak ikan/ EPA baguih untuk perkembangan minda anak-anak. Nak buat mental arithmatic/ mensa...nanti la. Abah kena tolong ibu mengira nanti.. :).
p/s: Happy 23rd birthday to my school best friend, Husna. And happy marking exam papers to myself...
p/s: Happy 23rd birthday to my school best friend, Husna. And happy marking exam papers to myself...
InsyaAllah. May Allah make everything easy for you. Ameen !
To you too akh
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