Last night, slept at 2:00am...its not just merely because I am on break. Listened to a parenting-related talk on IKIM radio by Dr Harlina Siraj. Macam pagi takda je siaran tu. Its a replay... to concentrate more on my task. The radio responsibility is only to play music as a companion. Listening to talk shows would surely needed more attention and concentration...During the days in IIUM, like to tune into Bernama Radio for the Pengguna (consumer) issue programme. 1am too. Dah pagi pergi kelas...Anyway, thanks for making a repeat show.
Being busy with works doesn't mean that I have to put aside the mission to seek knowledge. Life-long learning. There's no tomorrow if you didn't put the effort today. Like my late teacher always say " Biar usaha yang sedikit tetapi istiqamah...".
Last night, slept at 2:00am...its not just merely because I am on break. Listened to a parenting-related talk on IKIM radio by Dr Harlina Siraj. Macam pagi takda je siaran tu. Its a replay... to concentrate more on my task. The radio responsibility is only to play music as a companion. Listening to talk shows would surely needed more attention and concentration...During the days in IIUM, like to tune into Bernama Radio for the Pengguna (consumer) issue programme. 1am too. Dah pagi pergi kelas...Anyway, thanks for making a repeat show.
Being busy with works doesn't mean that I have to put aside the mission to seek knowledge. Life-long learning. There's no tomorrow if you didn't put the effort today. Like my late teacher always say " Biar usaha yang sedikit tetapi istiqamah...".
Being a graduate of Psychology Degree...people would say that " Rugi belajar tinggi-tinggi tapi tak kerja...". But in my humble opinion " Memang nampak rugi kalau belaja habis duit banyak tapi tak kerja tapi lagi rugi kalau kita sibuk kerja, anak tak tahu apa khabar kat rumah...". Maybe because every person have their own motivation. Taking psychology also a part of mum's advice (other than my own interest). She said that at least if I am not working, I could practice it with my own family later on. Syukran ummi.
Maybe I am not a good tailor or designer such as Riezalman Ibrahim, or a good chef such as Chef Wan or Chef Sabri, or a good housekeeper such as Martha Stewart. But will always pray from now so that I can educate my family (kids) with the best tarbiyyah I can. Solat, puasa, ibadah lain cukup pun dah sejuk hati.... watching the students praying jemaah at school had made me happy enough. Listening to them reciting their du'a before meal put a big smile on my face (even sometimes they are SUPER enough to handle). What's more if its our own little kids.
Maybe I am not a good tailor or designer such as Riezalman Ibrahim, or a good chef such as Chef Wan or Chef Sabri, or a good housekeeper such as Martha Stewart. But will always pray from now so that I can educate my family (kids) with the best tarbiyyah I can. Solat, puasa, ibadah lain cukup pun dah sejuk hati.... watching the students praying jemaah at school had made me happy enough. Listening to them reciting their du'a before meal put a big smile on my face (even sometimes they are SUPER enough to handle). What's more if its our own little kids.
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