Alhamdulillah done with one, big heavy task. Filing in the details and marks for my students' report cards...and thinking how would it look like, how would it be during the report card pick-up day this Saturday. First time experience for me. Am quite nervous to meet the parents. Last night...could only sleep when the clock strikes 3am when everything is completed.
Today at school, I am thankful to my Standard 2 students who helped me a lot with the task of stamping the dates. The report cards are now safely in the hands of the Examination Unit. Sometimes, they helped to re-arrange the items in my pencil case or even offer a shoulder massage. Yesterday, one of the Standard 1 students noticed that one of my spectacle's fixtures almost fell off and they helped to hold my things and patiently wait till I put the fixture back on the nose bridge part. Recieved a surprise gift from one of them...kain ela/ kain potong to be tailored as baju kurung/ jubah. Dalam nakal-nakal depa pun...penuh dengan nilai-nilai murni ;). Di doakan semoga nilai-nilai Islamiyah akan terus subur dan berkembang dalam jiwa mereka...
Few times I wondered why the kids loves to cling (menempek) on to me. They said that " Sebab muallimah ni tak garang" (Me...garu-garu kepala jap). But when I think back...selalu juga kena marah depa tu. Awat nya dikata tak garang?. Sometimes, they asked why I like to say THANK YOU each time they send they books and homework. Its one of the way to show my appreciation for their efforts.
They just know how to make me smile and cheer me up when I am down.
Thank You dears ('',).
p/s: Tomorrow...the announcement of UPSR/ SPPM result.
Allah Knows Best
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