Thursday, January 29, 2009
Apa yang berlaku dlm kelas Lab-Statistics
1-Bukak e-mail
2-Update friendster & facebook
3- Tgk online news kat Harian Metro, Berita Harian etc
Tak patutkan? Nak wat macam mana...bored. Tapi dengar jugak la. Ilmu2...hehe
Kenapa nih?!!
1- Kena gastrik ( tulah...makan tuna chili byk2 lg malam kelmarin +air kiwi+oren)
2- Booth CB 14 utk GG promotion di amik orang
3- Call Naib President...sebab blur sgt.
4- Thanks sebab slow-talk dgn pihak yang amik booth kami.
5- Board asyik jatuh je...tape tak kuat...
6- Etc...
Hmm...well..mcm aku dgr kat radio apa ntah hari tu. Chain-reaction. Kalau hari tak start dgn baik...akan beri kesan pada apa yang akan berlau seterusnya. Is it? Tapi apa yang penting (mcm wonder-pets pula) how we handle the situation...
Monday, January 26, 2009
College Saving Tips
Now that you’re on your own, you might be tempted to spend money on all the things your parents wouldn’t let you have before. Go slow. If you play it smart, you can avoid the sort of money troubles that plague many young adults.
Join a credit union.
Don’t just sign up for a random bank giving away t-shirts or frisbees at registration. Track down a credit union in town, or do some research into online banks.
Don’t get a credit card unless you absolutely need one. Don’t be a sucker. Those guys sitting behind the sign-up table are not there to help you. They’re there to make money.
Avoid non-academic debt.
It might seem like a good idea to put that Xbox on a credit card, but it’s not. Focus on developing good money skills with cash. Worry about credit later.
Save and then splurge. If you decide you must have that Xbox, then save for it. Wait until you can pay cash.
Pay your bills on time.
Basic advice, but it’s surprising how many people lose track of things. If you pay bills as they arrive, you won’t have to worry about forgetting them.
Organization and Planning.
Some minimal organization will keep your finances in order. Each of these is an important adult financial skill.
Track your spending.
Use a notebook, or use Quicken if you have it. Good records will prevent you from getting overdrawn at the bank or charging more than your credit limit. This habit also allows you to detect spending patterns.
Make a budget.
It doesn’t have to be fancy. At the start of the month, estimate how much money you’ll receive and decide where needs to go. Remember: you don’t need to spend it all.
Save your receipts.
Put them in a shoebox under your bed if you must, but hold onto them. You’ll need to be able to compare them with statements at the end of the month. And some you’ll need to keep for several years.
Guard your vital stats.
Don’t give out your social security number or your credit card info except to known and trusted sources.
Campus Life
It seems like there are a hundred thing competing for your money. It’s hard to know what to do. Here are some smart ways to save money on campus.
Buy used textbooks.
You’re just going to sell them back at the end of the term. (Or end up wishing you had done so five years from now.) You don’t need new textbooks.
Skip spring break.
Forget the long road trips. You can have a lot of fun for cheap close to campus. (My college used to organize economical group trips; yours probably does, too.) You might be surprised at how fun it can be to stay on campus, too.
Live without a car.
Cars are expensive: gas, maintenance, insurance, registration, parking. Stick close to campus. Learn to use mass transit. Find a friend who has a car.
Don’t hang out with big spenders.
Some kids have parents with deep pockets. Other kids are well down the road to financial trouble. Hanging out with them can lead you to spend more than you can afford.
Take advantage of campus activities.
There’s always something to do. Attend free movie festivals. Pay a few bucks to see the local symphony every month. Support the sports teams. Attend lecture series. Get the most from your student ID!
Personal Life
Take care of yourself. Your mother isn’t around to remind you to brush your teeth. Nobody’s going to scold you for eating three bowls of Cap’n Crunch. Self-discipline is more important now than it ever has been in your life.
Go to class.
You’re in college to learn. Everyone skips now and then, but don’t make it a habit. What you learn and do now will have a profound impact on the rest of your life.
Get involved.
Staying busy staves off boredom. It also helps you build skills and form social networks that will last a lifetime. Try out for a play. Join the astronomy club. Write for the school paper. Find something that sounds fun to you and do it. Take risks!
Stay active.
A healthy body costs far less to maintain than an unhealthy body. You don’t have to do much to avoid gaining weight in college. A walk around campus each day will probably do it.
Eat healthy.
It’s possible to eat well on a small budget if you know what you’re doing.
Decision Making
Get in the habit of making smart choices now, and you’ll develop a pattern of behavior that will stand you in good stead the rest of your life.
Make smart choices.
You can do anything you want, but you can’t do everything you want. Decide what’s important to you, and pursue that. And remember to leave time for yourself. When you want to buy something, ask yourself “Do I need it?” If you think you do, then wait. Don’t buy on impulse. Write the object of your desire on a piece of paper and pin it to the wall. Look at it every day for a week. If, at the end of the week, you still think you need it, then consider purchasing it.
Making Money
I’ve saved the best for last. If you can master even one of these, you’ll have a head-start on your friends. Master all four, and you’ll be on the road to wealth. No kidding.Spend less than you earn. Don’t earn much? Then don’t spend much. If your spending and income are roughly even, you have two choices: earn more or spend less. When I was in college, I worked as many as four jobs at once. This gave me a lot of spending cash. (Unfortunately, I didn’t do a good job with the spend less part of the equation.)
Be an outstanding employee.
Good work habits can pay enormous dividends, leading to recommendations and contacts that you can use after you’re out of school. Several of my classmates turned work-study jobs into launching pads for future careers.
Start your own business.
Can you install a hard drive? Can you strip a computer of spyware? Can you perform minor car repairs? Do you have a pickup truck you could use to haul furniture? Are you a passable guitar player? Charge cheap rates and exceed expectations. Word will spread. When you’ve built up a customer base, you can raise your rates a little. This is an awesome way to make money.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Paranoid Schizophrenia:Part 2
Left untreated, paranoid schizophrenia can result in severe emotional, behavioral, health, and even legal and financial problems that affect every area of your life. Complications that paranoid schizophrenia may cause or be associated with include:
-Suicidal thoughts and behavior
-Self-destructive behavior
-Abuse of alcohol, drugs or prescription medications
-Family conflicts
-Inability to work or attend school
-Health problems from antipsychotic medications
-Being a victim or perpetrator of violent crime
-Heart and lung disease related to smoking
Treatments and drugs
Paranoid schizophrenia is a chronic condition that requires lifelong treatment, even during periods when you feel better and your symptoms have subsided. Treatment can be challenging because you may feel as if you don't need treatment, and you may refuse to follow treatment recommendations. But effective treatment can help you take control of your condition and enjoy a happier and healthier life. Treatment options are similar for all types of schizophrenia. But the specific treatment approach that's best for you depends on your particular situation and the severity of your symptoms.
Treatment teams
Paranoid schizophrenia treatment is usually guided by a psychiatrist skilled in treating the condition. But you may have others on your treatment team as well because the condition can affect so many areas of your life. Your treatment team can help make sure that you're getting all of the treatment you need and that your care is coordinated among all of your health care providers. The team involved in treatment of paranoid schizophrenia may include your:
-Family or primary care doctor
-Family members
-Case worker
-Psychiatric nurse
-Social worker
Main treatment options
The main treatments for paranoid schizophrenia are:
-Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
-Vocational skills training
-Medications for paranoid schizophrenia
Medications are the cornerstone of paranoid schizophrenia treatment. Among the medications most commonly prescribed for paranoid schizophrenia are:
First-generation (typical) antipsychotics.
These medications are thought to control symptoms by affecting brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. These medications have traditionally been very effective in managing the positive symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, including delusions and hallucinations. These medications, however, have frequent and potentially severe neurological side effects, including the possibility of tardive dyskinesia, or involuntary jerking movements. Typical antipsychotics, especially generic versions, are often cheaper than are their newer counterparts, which can be an important consideration when long-term treatment is necessary.
Second-generation (atypical) antipsychotics.
These newer antipsychotic medications are effective at managing hallucinations, delusions and other symptoms, such as loss of motivation and lack of emotion. Atypical antipsychotic medications pose a risk of metabolic side effects, including weight gain, diabetes and high cholesterol.
Other medications.
It's common to have other mental health issues along with paranoid schizophrenia. Antidepressants can be helpful if you have symptoms of depression. Anti-anxiety medications can be helpful if you have symptoms of anxiety or agitation. And mood stabilizing medications may help with aggression or hostility.
Choosing a medication.
In general, the goal of treatment with antipsychotic medications is to effectively control signs and symptoms at the lowest possible dosage. Which medication is best for you depends on your own individual situation. It can take several weeks after first starting a medication to notice an improvement in your symptoms. If one medication doesn't work well for you or has intolerable side effects, your doctor may recommend combining medications, switching to a different medication or adjusting your dosage. Don't stop taking your medication without talking to your doctor, even if you're feeling better. You may have a relapse of psychotic symptoms if you stop taking your medication. In addition, antipsychotic medication needs to be tapered off, rather than stopped abruptly, to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Medication side effects and risks.
All antipsychotic medications have side effects and possible health risks. Certain antipsychotic medications may increase the risk of diabetes, weight gain, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, for instance. Others can cause dangerous changes in your white blood cell count or cause health problems in older adults.
Be sure to talk to your doctor about all of the possible side effects and about being routinely checked for health problems while you take these medications. Antipsychotic medications can also have dangerous interactions with other substances. Tell your doctors about all medications and over-the-counter substances you take, including vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements.
Psychotherapy for paranoid schizophrenia.
Although medications are the cornerstone of paranoid schizophrenia treatment, psychotherapy is also important. Psychotherapy may not be appropriate for everyone, though, especially if symptoms are too severe to engage in a therapeutic process that requires two-way communication. Psychotherapy may include:
Individual therapy.
Psychotherapy with a skilled mental health provider can help you learn ways to cope with the distress and daily life challenges brought on by paranoid schizophrenia. Therapy can help reduce the severity of your symptoms and improve communication skills, relationships, your ability to work and your motivation to stick to your treatment plan. Learning about paranoid schizophrenia can help you understand it better, cope with lingering symptoms and understand the importance of taking your medications. Therapy also can help you cope with stigma surrounding paranoid schizophrenia. There are many types of psychotherapy that may be useful, such as cognitive behavioral therapy.
Family therapy.
Both you and your family may benefit from therapy that provides support and education to families. Your symptoms have a better chance of improving if your family members understand your illness, can recognize stressful situations that might trigger a relapse, and can help you stick to your treatment plan. Family therapy can also help you and your family communicate better with each other and understand family conflicts. Family therapy also can help family members cope and reduce their distress about your condition.
Hospitalization for paranoid schizophrenia.
During crisis periods or times of severe symptoms, hospitalization may be necessary. This can help ensure your own safety and that of others, and make sure that you're getting proper nutrition, sleep and hygiene. Partial hospitalization and residential care also may be options.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for paranoid schizophrenia.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a procedure in which electric currents are passed through your brain to trigger a brief seizure. This seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that can reduce symptoms of certain mental illnesses such as paranoid schizophrenia. Because ECT can provide significant improvements in symptoms more quickly than can medications or psychotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy may be the best treatment option in some cases. Deciding whether electroconvulsive therapy is a good option for you can be extremely difficult. Make sure you understand all the pros and cons.
Social and vocational skills training for paranoid schizophrenia.
Training in social and vocational skills to live independently is an important part of recovery from paranoid schizophrenia. With the help of a therapist, you can learn such skills as good hygiene, cooking and better communication. Many communities have programs that can help you with jobs, housing, self-help groups and crisis situations. If you don't have a case manager to help you with these services, ask your doctors about getting one.
Treatment challenges in paranoid schizophrenia.
When you have appropriate treatment and stick to your treatment plan, you have a good chance of leading a productive life and functioning well in daily activities. But be prepared for challenges that can interfere with treatment.
For one thing, you, like many others with schizophrenia, may find it hard to follow your treatment plan. You may believe that you don't need medications or other treatment. Also, if you're not thinking clearly, you may forget to take your medications or to go to therapy appointments. Talk to your doctors about tips to stick to your treatment plan, such as taking an antipsychotic medication that's available in a long-lasting injectable form. Even with good treatment, you may have a relapse. Have a plan in place to deal with a relapse.
Smoking, and often heavy smoking, is common when you have schizophrenia. Some evidence suggests that smoking improves thinking and concentration in schizophrenia. If you smoke, you may need a higher dose of antipsychotic medication because nicotine interferes with these medications. Be honest with your doctors about your smoking habits. And be sure you understand the serious health risks of smoking.
Similarly, using alcohol and drugs can make paranoid schizophrenia symptoms worse. If you have a problem with alcohol or substance abuse, you may benefit from treatment programs that include care for both schizophrenia and substance abuse
Paranoid Schizophrenia:Part 1
Paranoid schizophrenia is one of several types of schizophrenia, a chronic mental illness in which reality is interpreted abnormally (psychosis). The classic features of paranoid schizophrenia are having beliefs that have no basis in reality (delusions) and hearing things that aren't real (auditory hallucinations). With paranoid schizophrenia, your ability to think and function in daily life may be better than with other types of schizophrenia. You may not have as many problems with memory, concentration or dulled emotions. Still, paranoid schizophrenia is a serious, lifelong condition that can lead to many complications, including suicidal behavior. But with effective treatment, you can manage the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia and work toward leading a happier, healthier life.
-Auditory hallucinations, such as hearing voices
-Delusions, such as believing a co-worker wants to poison you
-Verbal confrontations
-Patronizing manner
-Suicidal thoughts and behavior
With paranoid schizophrenia, you're less likely to be affected by mood problems or problems with thinking, concentration and attention. Instead, you're most affected by what are known as positive symptoms.
Positive symptoms
Positive symptoms are symptoms that indicate the presence of unusual thoughts and perceptions that often involve a loss of contact with reality. Delusions and hallucinations are considered positive symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.
In paranoid schizophrenia, delusions are often focused on the perception that you're being singled out for harm. Your brain misinterprets experiences and you hold on to these false beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. For instance, you may believe that the government is monitoring every move you make or that a co-worker is poisoning your lunch. You may also have delusions of grandeur — the belief that you can fly, that you're famous or that you have a relationship with a famous person, for example. Delusions can result in aggression or violence if you believe you must act in self-defense against those who want to harm you.
Auditory hallucinations.
An auditory hallucination is the perception of sound — usually voices — that no one else hears. The sounds may be a single voice or many voices. These voices may talk either to you or to each other. The voices are usually unpleasant. They may give a running critique of what you're thinking or doing, or they may harass you about real or imagined faults. Voices may also command you to do things that can be harmful to yourself or to others. When you have paranoid schizophrenia, these voices seem real. You may talk to or shout at the voices.
When to see a doctorIf you have any symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, seek medical help as soon as possible. Paranoid schizophrenia doesn't get better on its own and may worsen without treatment. However, if you're like most people with paranoid schizophrenia, you may not recognize that you need help or that you even have symptoms, especially because your delusions or hallucinations are very real to you. Family and friends, or people at work or school, may be the ones who initially suggest you seek help.
Getting treatment from a mental health provider with experience in schizophrenia can help you learn ways to manage your symptoms so that you have the best chance to continue on with a productive and happy life. If you're reluctant to seek treatment, try to work up the courage to confide in someone, whether it's a friend or loved one, a health care professional, a faith leader or someone else you trust. They can help you take the first steps to successful treatment.
Helping someone who may have paranoid schizophreniaIf you have a loved one you think may have symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, have an open and honest discussion about your concerns. You may not be able to force someone to seek professional help, but you can offer encouragement and support and help your loved one find a qualified doctor or mental health provider. If your loved one poses a danger to himself or herself or to someone else, you may need to call the police or other emergency responders for help. In some cases, emergency hospitalization may be needed. Laws on involuntary commitment for mental health treatment vary by state.
Suicidal thoughts
Suicidal thoughts and behavior are common when you have paranoid schizophrenia. If you're considering suicide right now and have the means available, talk to someone now. The best choice is to call 911 or your local emergency services number. If you simply don't want to do that, for whatever reason, you have other choices for reaching out to someone:
-Contact a family member or friend
-Contact a doctor, mental health provider or other health care professional
-Go to your local hospital emergency room
-Call a crisis center or hotline
It's not known what causes paranoid schizophrenia. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that paranoid schizophrenia and other forms of schizophrenia are caused by brain dysfunction. Why and how that brain dysfunction occurs is still under investigation, though.
It's thought that an interaction of genetics and environment may lead to brain dysfunction that causes paranoid schizophrenia. Problems with certain naturally occurring brain chemicals called neurotransmitters may also contribute to paranoid schizophrenia. Imaging studies show differences in the brain structure of people with schizophrenia, but researchers aren't yet sure about the significance of these changes.
Mengapa jalan ini yang ku pilih?
Seperti secebis nasihat dan pengalaman yang aku berikan pada adik G8 masa program di Laman Bestari Disember lalu...amik/ pilih bidang yang antum suka, minat...jangan terlalu ikut trend @ paksaan. Ha...kawan2 dok pakat amik medic, nak. Orang kata IT best, nak juga...apa2 pun, jangan sampai memaksa diri. Amik lah any reliable & established career test untuk melihat antum punya interest etc. Kalau minat fashion designing, apa salahnya. Tapi, buatlah fashion yang memenuhi tuntutan syara ( jangan dok panjang & labuh tapi jarang. Tudung tapi nampak leher & tengkuk-banyak nampak mcm ni dlm magazine). Minat memasak, go on. Tapi, pastikan bahan2 yang digunakan halan toyyiban ,bersih etc(terbaca dalam paper hanya 28 hotel di Malaysia yang ada certificate halal). Minat bidang teknikal pun tak kisah...asal kita happy...
Money matters
Back to the story. Lepas Zohor, around 3pm asalnya mama kena attend meeting dgn pihak PJH(Putrajaya Holdings) tapi on d way, pihak sana call kata tak jadi. Mak hantar aku pi Alamanda & dia balik opis. Alhamdulillah tak jauh mana. Sampai je, aku pi Maxis Centre untuk bayar bill. Then pi MPH. Buat macam library pula. Baca buku free...hehe. Maaf manager. Kemudia pusing Alamanda. Well. Saje observe people. Macam2 ada... Ntah. Couples, softlan (paham x)...families...
Stop kejap kat Chameleon untuk beli some aksesori for dinner GG next week. As di amanahkan oleh mama, beli some grocerries. Pastu, duduk balik kat benches depan kedai kasut Step-in sambil tunggu mama amik.
Tu tell the truth, aku bukanya reti & suka sangat ber shopping( except when it comes to bookstore). Sebab tu aku akan spend masa yang agak lama dok perhati harga etc ( Tak caya tanya Syida mcm ne masa aku teman dia pi JJ). Ntah. Dah terbiasa dari kecik kot mama & abah belikan barang. Sekarang, kalau nak beli kasut and baju especially pun dengan mak. Quality control le tu...tapi thanks ma. Dengan ini, aku belajar untuk berjimat (even kadang terlebih keluar duit). Alhamdulillah elaun dari PAMA (Papa Mama Foundation hehe) dah di 'up'. Maknanya...mama suh saving lebih. ('',)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Busy sgt nih...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Of projects, assignments, questionnaires...
Psychometric...thanks to Syida tolong bagi kawan2 studio B.URP dia jawabkan survey.Ada gak participant lelaki & dari lain2 course. Kalau tak, selalu budak2 HS & perempuan je. Data x leh di generalize sangat. After this, data key-in pula (lagi....?!!).
Human Relations...Potrait of a Leader. Tingg...Siapa calon2 yang boleh di interview ye? Any cadangan for CEO/ Manager/ Director atau siapa2 yang hold high position dalam organization?
Cross- cultural...tomorrow insya Allah sir kata dia akan bagi our project proposal. Hope ok...
Khat Skills 2...kelas baru nak start tapi insya Allah semester ni kami akan belajar painting/ colouring khat, buat tembikar/pasu & mould (mcm hiasan kat dinding2 masjid). Arcylic paint, pen resam, ink...checked.
All the best to my'a tafiq wa najah. Moga diri ini dikurniakan hidayah & petunjuk untuk menempuh onak dunia. Tiada jalan mudah menuntut ilmu...tiada rasa semanis kejayaan.
Bye2 Guppies
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Cartoon & Me



These are some cartoon shows/ movies that I enjoyed very much. Tak tau nape lebih prefer cerita mcm ni banding dengan real life characters story. Geli hati sampai boleh tertawa sorang2 time tgk kat laptop (opsss...never went to a movie cinema) tapi ada pengajaran yang boleh di hayati.Hehe...perangai pun kadang macam budak2..
Haa?!!Air tak da?
Bila terfikir hal ni, betapa mewahnya kita dikurniakan rezeki dan nikmat oleh Allah SWT dan bila diuji sebentar, hati resah wal gelisah. Aku sendiri hampir menangis bila hari tu nak amik wudhu to solat zohor, masjid dah kering tanki. Hua...Alhamdulillah ada air mineral 1 botol. Darurat...Ya Allah. Terimalah ibadah hambaMU ini. Kuatkanlah hati ku dalam menerima dugaan ini...