Last Saturday (5th March 2011)...there was the Sambutan 25 Tahun Jubli Perak Al- Amin and I am thankful to be part of the joyous occasion. 17 years ago (1994) I started my school days at Al- Amin Keramat. The little 'campus' had not changed much since then...same goes to the memories treasured inside me.
In class... Standard 1 Umar. I remembered, my class teacher back than was Cikgu Marina Muhammad. Taught me Mathematics.
At school, I was quite mischievous and brave. Tak kisah apa orang kata... homework, the unfinished one, still managed to complete it before passing it up under the desk. Ok. I did not sit under the table but I wrote the unfinished work with the book inside the desk (with the hope that teachers didn't notice it).
During break, I managed to finished up the Nasi Lemak with hot and spicy sambal without any water...tak macam budak darjah 1...even the bell had rang (time to get back to class).
Coloured the picture of an apple in my arabic writing book colourfuly...not only limited to red or green colour.
Pening sudah cikgu-cikgu saya ketika itu...
I entered SMI Al- Amin Bangi. With the initial intention to further my studies in Science stream. But it only lasted or a week as a week before the school 1st term examination, I made a dramatic decision...I changed to Accounting stream. With Muallimah Tetty helping tutoring me with the 4 months topic unlearned in just 1 week. Alhamdulillah managed to get about 70% in my first attempt. Thank you teacher!
But the love of Science didn't just die like that. If I had the chance, I love to observed my friends in the Science doing their experiments with the best I 've ever involved is helping them out in dissecting frogs and drawing the poor reptiles' organs.
2010- Now
I could not believe that now, I am one of teachers at SRI Al- Amin back to what my teachers and school had given to me in shaping myself to be a better person. With the same school anthem and logo as 17 years ago...the first moment I joined Al- Amin as a student.
Terima kasih cikgu...
Allah Knows Best
Wah..Al-Amin totok ni. Sampai dh jd muallimah. Mabruk! semoga dapat menabur bakti melahirkan anak didik yg lebih hebat!
Insya Allah...
memikul suatu amanah yang berat =)
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