Alhamdulillah today, I had the chance to join the CNY Celebration at Abdullah Chan Restaurant in Melawati. An event organized by the Hidayah Centre and few other NGO bodies.
And...also singgah at this shop... but the ingredients that I want are not available. So, I guess I need to wait until I return to Bangi to bake something...
The event kicks off with its first session of lion dance performed by a group from Rawang. My first experience in watching such show.
11:30am- 1:30 pm
The programme continues with few more rounds of lion dance. Two of this clowns make their rounds while sculpting balloons. Ok. Nak mintak, dah bukan budak-budak. Dah boleh jadi mak budak kira.
And the picture/ scene that I love most is...a girl doing some colourings in her book while accompanied by her dad. Remembered that abah always bought me and my sister books to occupy our time. I think I'll 'pass down this tradition' to my kids in the future, Insya Allah.
Made an early move back as thinking that...ESOK KERJA. And this week is my MINGGU BERTUGAS. And...the sports day practice will start as the big day (mini sports day and Sambutan 25 Tahun Pusat Pendidikan Al-Amin) will arrive in less than 2 weeks (early March). Saya memang busy...
*****end of journal*****
I am fortunate and thankful to be invited and acknowledged about this programme. Told mum earlier about it as I am a bit 'lemah' if she asked 'Balik tak minggu ni' (her subtle way of saying 'SILA BALIK MINGGU INI...hihi). Could made the decision to go back home even not planned much earlier (abah dah kata, selagi belum kahwin, dok la khidmat dengan mama kamu. Nanti, nak balik pun kena minta izin). Ok ma...will go back home this weekend, Insya Allah. Abah also called the day before. Happily chatting. As usual.
Invited Uncle Alex to join the event but unfortunately he got some family matters to attend to.
Met an uncle by the name of Mr Lee (kan?). Learn so many things throughout conversations with him. About lion dance. Wow. So amazed to hear that the Malaysian lion dance group won four times consequentially. Beating teams from Macau, Hong Kong etc. It required good coordination of music combined with balancing and acrobatic act.
Secondly is about the unity of races in a state here in Malaysia. Even the Chinese involved in the dikir barat and could even speak good dialect of the area.
Thirdly...about China. Its business culture and nature. And the district of Beijing. Food. Ok. Food. I just grinned when he told about the large food portions. Especially the specialty local kambing dish. Kenduri sepupu hari tu bau lauk kamping pun dah tak nak makan...walau kena pujuk oleh mama. Aiyaaa...did I need to learn how to enjoy kambing dish? what I've always think, wonder and ponder all this while. Amazed why sometimes reverts are seem stronger in their understanding and practices of Islam. Subhanallah. Masya Allah. The key is...never take for granted for what we already have. Even if we are born as a Muslim, to a Muslim parents and family, we still have to make the effort to search for more knowledge from time to time.
Ilmu di bumi Allah SWT ini sangat luas dan tidak akan pernah habis ditulis walau digunakan tujuh lautan sebagai dakwat ilmu dan semua daunan sebagai hamparan tulisan.
a) Other pictures...waiting for a sahabah to upload the story ;). Bahagi gambar separuh-separuh.
b) Finished ironing stocks of tudungs and clothings for 2 weeks wear...prektis jadi seorang suri rumah.
c) Today in the history of Miss J (bak kata Miss Nemo)...jadi pendiam. Rehat kejap la dari bercakap ni. Dah hari-hari dok ngajar dan lecture budak-budak.
d) Mission to fulfill the request to teach a Christian revert lady the Qur'an. May Allah give the strength in sharing the wonderful knowledge.
Allah Knows Best
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