Went to fetch my convocation attire at CAC yesterday. Met with Finah at the Mosque Square and together we walked to CAC. Upon arrival, the crowd was already...WOAHH!! I wondered...what time did those people showed up? Since when they have waited in the line as it was only...9am? Was I late or...ok. Never mind.
After trying the robes to get the right size, I join and patiently waited at the line. There, I saw my friend Mieza and later Halimaton. Its been 5 months since we last met...during Semester 2, 2009/10 final examination. Yes. Alin was there too. To celebrate and cherish the moment. Thank you friend. You are the and always there when we started the journey at IIUM.
Kak Fizah. Yes. Kak Fizah. Another lovely friend and good friend of mine. We chatted and exchanged stories all the way from the line to the robe room. All the memories that we had, particularly during our LE 4500 class and motorcycle ride around IIUM shall be treasured.
After checking the multimedia smart card, I had my breakfast at 10:15am at HS Cafe. The usual time I had my breakfast during my student days...with pau kelapa (as always) and Carrot Juice.
Then, I went to KLCC to find a pair of shoes. Not just solely to be used during the Convocation ceremony but also for casual use later. Went straight to Parkson and circled the woman's area, looking for a suitable shoe. It's not easy to find the one with 3 1/2 size but 4 is still acceptable. Alhamdulillah, after minutes of searching, found a black court shoe. With last month's salary that I still save, I pay for it and happily walk away...(",). I am not a shopaholic. I don't know how to go shopping...except for grocerries and books. Just put me at a shopping mall. I would be blank as a white paper. Lost. Did not know where to go. As for shoes, I only use 1 or the most 2 pairs for the whole year.
p/s: A robe with XS (extra small size) seems a bit 'besar' for me. Almost reached my ankles.
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