Honestly I fell in love with the little baby above. Even though she sleeps all the time when I hold her. Met her at my cousin's wedding. Yesterday, had the chance to hold a colleague's 4 months old baby. Itu pun dah rasa macam tak nak lepas...ngaaaa =)
Ok. Lari tajuk pula kan?
I am always amazed and like to read stories on how people converted to Islam. Back then, everytime I bought new magazines, I quickly flip through the pages to get to the column/ pages of reverts story. Not paying much attention to the magazine's main issue or advertisements.
Few nights ago, I listened to a radio interview with a Chinesse revert (betul kah perkataan ini?). Learn from the talk.... About Chinese cooking. Hokkein food, Sechuan food, Cantonese... Ehe? Yup. Cooking... as the lucky man operates Chinese Muslim cuisine restaurant and planning to open more outlets soon. Unfortunately, I've forgotten his name. Tinggalkan makanan kejap. What grab my attention is the moments before he officially embraces Islam years ago. He diligently attend a personal religious class and coaching from an ustaz. Here, it shows the importance of a good friend/ person to guide someone (a non-Muslim) who shows interest towards Islam.
I remembered during Secondary 1 in Rawang...the shop lot across our school back then houses a church. Our teacher always reminded us to show good examples. Abah once said to always portray your best example (manners etc) as a Muslim to the Non Muslims.
As I told a close friend of mine, a Chinese man (who is a friend of my aunt), always ask about Islam. Once, he asked me about the meaning of an ayat (verse) of the Qur'an. Recently, he proudly showed to me his new tafseer Qur'an and asked me where he could obtain more of the kitab at- tafseer. I suggested to him to go to few Islamic bookstores that abah sometimes takes me along with him whenever he 'hunts' for books.
Da'wah is not limited to the Non Muslims. Da'wah is also equally important to our family members and friends. The simplest or the most basic (and MOST IMPORTANT) is asking our kids to perform their prayers. Not to forget to remind the people around us to perform the solat when the muazzin calls to prayer. Thanks Abah and Mama for always asking me and sister " Dah solat?''. Hoping that me and my husband in the future to always remind our children and show good examples to them. And abah purposely 'leave his books (his du'a books, kitabs etc) around' the house as a way for us to read them.
Going to 6 different schools and educational institutions gave me the chance to met with people from different backgrounds. The most challenging place ever I think is at my institute of higher education. But Alhamdulillah having the responsibility to 'protect' my friends, I always tried to improve myself from time to time. Try to attend to their questions and problems with my utmost best with the little knowledge I have. The important thing to remember is to first get to know your friends so that you could give and use the best technique/ most suitable way in communicating with them.
It begins with our own self. Clean our heart. Strengthen our faith. As...there's LAW OF ATTRACTION. To attract good thing, we our self must first be good. Show good examples and practice them.
Du'a. Pray to Allah. As he knows what's in our self.
Kerana hidayah itu milikNYA.
Kerana hati tak pernah sepi
Dari titik noda dunia.
Kerana hati itu suci
Tempat jatuhnya wahyu hidayah dari Illahi.
Allah Knows Best
p/s: Reminder to my self
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